Bojan Zoranovic

Serbian White Eagles started the new Canadian Soccer League championship on Sunday, May 28, at their Centennial Park stadium, playing a draw with last year’s Vorkuta FC champion, the current Continentals FC.

Serbian White Eagles goalkeeper John Smits suffered a serious injury as he broke his foot. He was replaced in net by Nikola Postic.

The scorers for the Eagles were Adam Waithe in the 53rd and Nikola Djurkovic in the 94th minute. Waithe overcame the Continental goalkeeper with a great shot from a 10-meter run, after a perfect center kick by Marko Stajic. A dream action.

Continentals’ response was quick and precise. With two quick goals, Nikola Postic was defeated and the game started in a different direction. 1: 2

The captain of Continental FC soon received a red card for his objections, which the Eagles took advantage of and equalized through Nikola Djurkovic in the 94th minute.

The young Timotijevic’s center shot was well received by Djurkovic, who knocked out two Continental players with a fake and overcame the opposing goalkeeper with a shot for great joy on the field and in the stands.

All in all, a fair result and having in mind that the Eagles lacked four first team players, a new championship was successfully started.

Smits (since 46.Postic) -Pejic-Timotijevic-Welligton-Cendic-Waithe (since 82.Simovic) Stajic (cap) -Zoranovic-Shahwan-Djurkovic-Danicic

Player of the match: Nikola Djurkovic

Djurkovic Statement: “For me, this is a new beginning, I can say that I am very satisfied, the team accepted me well, I will try to fit into it as soon as possible to help them reach the goal, after the first game I can say that I am satisfied with how we played, provided we are a great resistance to a great team, I think we could even reach all three points, but we will not regret much because the next game is waiting for us for the weekend, we have started to prepare for it we will win and I hope we will achieve it. To the title!”

Bojan Zoranovic: “A real competitive, championship match against a great opponent. Since the first game is in the championship and we were not complete, we can be satisfied with the result and the game. In the next period, through trainings and matches, we will increase coordination and physical fitness. I believe that we will be competitive for the highest goals. I pay tribute to the players for their fanatical struggle and attitude towards the game. In the end, a fair outcome of the match.”